How Window Etch Can Be Cool Again

There are few products that F&I has sold over the last couple of decades that have come under more fire than window etching (etch for short). States have sued dealers over shady practices involving etch and some consumers watchdog groups have said it’s not worth it.

We beg to differ.

In fact, etch could be presented in an entirely new way that could make it a more appealing and valuable service that won’t come under the same scrutiny as in years past.

How you ask? Make it a preload.

Great Benefit and High ROI

Dealers who want to increase their penetration on this product are usually fighting an uphill battle when trying to convince buyers how valuable etch can be. After all, some insurance companies have started to offer a nominal discount if the car has it applied and as vehicle thefts have risen over the last few years in some markets, etch can help in recovery efforts.

But what if a dealer decided to etch EVERY unit automatically? Offering this as a standard benefit of buying from your store makes this an easy way to raise CSI and pump up the value proposition of buying from your store versus any other local dealer who doesn’t offer it.

The actual kit to apply the etch is generally very inexpensive so ROI can be high when offering an overlapping protection through your administrator. Your buyer can opt to buy the protection or not but if it’s offered at the right price, it should be an easy add-on.

Demystify Etch by Asking the Right Questions

Asking if the buyer’s insurance company offers a discount would be the first question and a follow-up question may be whether or not the buyers intend to take a lot of road trips over the life of the car. That sets up the discussion about having the vehicle in unfamiliar areas and wanting to make sure there is an extra level of protection in case of theft.

If you offer etch with every car and then offer the protection coverage in F&I as a low cost ancillary, you may be surprised by the buyer's willingness to consider the upsell. Etch may not be the sexiest product to pitch but it can be an easier sell by simply including it with every unit.

Click here to learn more about how truEtch can be the easy preload for etch and a nice little bump in profits and penetration.

date published
August 17, 2020

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